以下是与“ Chine”相关的内容
France Alumni [Chine] - Accueil
France Alumni [Chine] - Accueil
http://www.francealumni.cn - 2019-04-01图书出口 历史 考古 语言文字 汉学 图书馆-Learn Chinese / Chinese Language / Chinese Learning
图书出口 历史 考古 语言文字 汉学 图书馆-Learn Chinese / Chinese Language / Chinese Learning
http://www.bookchinese.com - 2019-04-01The World of Chinese
The World of Chinese is a bi-monthly English magazine and web portal dedicated to Chinese language and culture. Our mission is to share cover stories, recipes, language tips, travel and culture features that entertain, inform and connect the growing number of Chinese learners and people interested in China. Our content aims to bring and depth and color to China's contemporary trends, throw light on the influence of China's history and customs on its modern society, as well as promote cultural interaction and understanding between China and the West. Our real mission is to bring China—the China that we see, live and breathe every day—to readers who share our passion for learning. We convey the words of ordinary Chinese in the streets, the thoughts expressed on China's immense blogosphere, and the phenomena that pop up everywhere in between to an English-speaking audience. 汉语世界是一本致力于介绍中国语言和文化的双月刊英语杂志。杂志及其网站的宗旨是为日益增长的汉语学习者和爱好者提供有趣、实用、增进联系的阅读材料。我们的关注内容包括人物、当代潮流、历史、风俗、文化交流等。
http://www.theworldofchinese.com - 2019-03-30Chinese Office Outdoor Furniture Manufacturers | Shunde Furniture China
ShundeFurniture.com, owned and managed by Foshan Ling Gao Information Co., Ltd., is a massive online furniture marketing platform in China. We’ve over 10 years of experience in manufacturing furniture and contributing to the growth of Chinese furniture industry. Shunde Furniture China is our web-based initiative to promote the e-commerce scenario in Foshan, Guangdong province as well as throughout the country.
http://www.shundefurniture.com - 2019-03-19坝叭ゅて呼?
坝叭ゅて呼????侯?┦???ゅて呼?,呼???呼??┍,????呼の毙??呼,矗ㄑゅて毙?,瓜?の美?戈?. CP-E-Cultural Zone is a thorough and comprehensive cultural website. It is composed of an online bookstore, a publisher-oriented site, and an educational site, providing information on culture, education, books and art .
http://www.commercialpress.com.hk - 2019-03-19Home - CDAC
CDAC offers programmes and assistance schemes to help the less privileged in the community to maximise their potential and strive for social mobility through self-help and mutual support.
http://www.cdac.org.sg - 2019-03-19北京华文学院 - Beijing Chinese Language and Culture College
http://www.bjhwxy.com - 2019-03-19LaiKanBa | Schau mal rein
Laikanba Schau mal rein. In unserem Programm moechten wir Ihnen das moderne China von heute mit all seinen Traditionen zeigen. Und das aus einem ganz neuem Blinkwinkel. Denn fuer manche ist China immer noch ein raetselhaftes Buch mit sieben Siegeln. Und das moechten wir aendern. Mit unserer Sendung moechten wir Sie jedes Mal auf eine kleine Reise nach China entfuehren und Ihnen Schritt fuer Schritt dieses faszinierende Land naeher bringen.
https://www.laikanba.de - 2019-03-18网络孔子学院, 学习汉语, 体验文化 - Confucius Institute Online, Learning Chinese, Experiencing Culture
网络孔子学院是为世界各地的汉语学习者和爱好者提供汉语学习课程、了解中国文化、分享学习经验,以及为对外汉语教学教师和志愿者提供汉语教学、分享教学经验的平台。Confucius Institute Online is devoted to providing a comprehensive platform for Chinese language learners and teachers across the world to share their learning and teaching experiences, get to understand Chinese culture and history, and exchange information.
http://www.chinesecio.com - 2019-03-18